This section is intended for advanced users who are looking for a more robust modding experience beyond the foundation laid by WSG. Users must be capable of performing their own load order adjustments, patching, and troubleshooting.
Do not install this entire section indiscriminately. Pick and choose only the mods that interest you. Otherwise you will end up with a broken game that crashes. The Basics of xEdit and The Method can be used to learn the basic principles of patching and conflict resolution.
The WSG team will not provide support for the following mods. Rather, the intent of this section is to provide a list of proven and reliable mods that can be used in conjunction with WSG. In isolation, the majority of these mods will work with the main guide with only minimal patching, though when added in conjunction with one another, they may create a large patching and compatibility burden.
Freeside Neon Sign Fix - Fixes the flicker present on several Freeside neon signs.
Gauss Impact Fix - ESPless - Fixes the Gauss Rifle bug in VATS, correcting damage and explosion effects.
Gun Runners Kiosk Glass Fix - Fixes the glass texture in the Gun Runners' kiosk.
Laser Pistol 3rd Person Latch Animation Fix - Fixes a vanilla bug where the latch for the laser pistol would be out of position after reloading or clearing a jam.
Melee VATS Animation Restoration - Brings VATS melee animations back from the dead.
Money Fixer - ESPless - Scripted replacement for when the wrong money item types are used in mods.
MZ Holding Cells Fog Clip Distance Fix - The fog clip distance for the holding cells in TTW's Mothership Zeta is low enough that it's clearly visible in the first area. This fixes it.
Ranger Combat Helmets Clipping Fix - Fixes the issue of character head clipping through ranger combat helmets.
TTW 32 Pistol Projectile Clipping Fix - Fixes a Fallout 3 bug where the .32 Pistol was using 7.62 Rifle Bullet Projectiles, causing the bullets to clip through the gun as they're fired.
TTW Combat Shotgun HQ Reload Sounds - Replaces the low-quality reload sounds of the Combat Shotgun in TTW with the original, higher quality versions.
Vanilla Animations Weapon Scale Fix - Prevents interactive animation mods used alongside vanilla weapon animations from causing the weapon to disappear.
User Interface & HUD
Menu search - Adds the ability to CTRL+F in your Pipboy and other places
CCCP - Cool Clean Cursor Pack - A collection of alternative cursors
Item Cards - Customizable detailed stats menu for items, when hovering or pressing a defined hotkey
Vegas Elysium Perk Pack - Adds many perks inspired by Disco Elysium
Quality of Life
Auto-Save Manager - Adds timed autosaves, save slots, and incremental/full save hotkeys.
Baka Skill Book Scanner - Dynamic quest markers that highlights nearby skill books, anywhere, anytime.
Basic Retrievable Throwables - Adds any throwable weapon which hits a target to the target's inventory.
Benny Fighting Chance - Buffs Benny's ammo and DT to help him have a little more survivability when fighting the player.
Better Weapon Restrictions - Makes open carry of weapons in restricted areas a hostile action.
Companion Carry Weight Adder - Adds the free space of your companions’ inventory to your own.
Complex Vendors - Makes vendors only buy items related to their profession.
Consistent Caliber Naming - Renames vanilla ballistic ammo types to be more consistent and match their real-world counterpart.
- Use alongside the TTW Patch provided on the main mod page.
- CaliberZL and Tactapack patches are also available on the main mod page.
- A Supplemental Ammo Crafting Patch is available courtesy of Audixas.
Creatures Aren’t Evil - Prevents karma gain from killing creatures.
Hardcore Forever - Enables Hardcore mode and disables the selection message.
Lootable Statics - Uses Base Object Swapper to allow you to loot previously static vents, hollowed trees/logs, lockers, desks, etc.
- Requires Base Object Swapper.
More Shovels - Makes shovels more common in barter and enemy loot.
More Throwing Weapons - Increases the saturation of throwing weapons throughout the game.
Movable Statics Replaced with Lootable Versions - Uses base object swapper to swap hundreds of statics with lootable versions.
- Requires Base Object Swapper.
No More Explosions Blindness - Removes the blindness effect from explosions.
No More Motion Sickness - Removes any kind of blur (motion blur, get hit blur, etc...) from the game.
Point Lookout Doctors TTW - Adds functional doctors to point lookout.
Realistic Ammo Name Replacer - RANR - Changes all ballistic ammo names in NV and TTW to better emphasize realism.
- Compatible with CaliberZL, Tactapack, Supplemental Ammo Crafting, and Supplemental Ammo Crafting Patch.
Realistic Weapon Name Replacer - RWNR - Changes out weapon names to match their real world counterparts, game lore or just something that makes sense.
- Compatible with Another Millenia, Another Millenia Gun Add-on, and Tactapack.
Retrievable Railway Spikes - Allows for retrieval of railway spikes from targets who are hit by TTW's railway rifle.
Simply Less Junk - Culls a customizable percentage of various item types to help mitigate save bloat and useless world loot.
Skill Book Auto-Use - Automatically uses skill books upon pickup.
TTW Collectibles - Merged - An assortment of quests to help with the collection of all Bobbleheads, Steel Ingots, Keller Family Transcripts, Intel Briefcases, and Alien Captive Recorded Logs.
- If experiencing crashes when picking up notes with this mod, this can be remedied by updating to the unreleased JIP file pinned in the WSG discord server.
TTW - More Map Markers and optionally TTW - More Map Markers - No Download Map Markers - Adds a few more map markers to TTW
Unmissable Casino Rewards - Prevents you from bypassing reward tiers in casinos.
Functional Additions
Forced Entry - Force yourself into locks & containers, requires Sweets Keywords
Hit - Drugs - Adds an abundance of new chems for the discerning junkie and/or dealer! Feastures many returning favorites from Fallout games past and present. Includes custom animations.
- Requires B42 Inject - Animated Item Use - ESPless.
- May make chems too plentiful if playing without loot scarcity mods.
Immersive Fast Travel Encounters - A user configurable overhaul of the fast travel system that implements D&D styled random encounters when the player fast travels.
Immersive Sleeping Encounters - A user configurable overhaul of the sleep system that implements D&D styled random encounters when the player naps.
Immersive Minigames - Real-time alternative to the menu-mode hacking and lockpicking mini-games
Magic Sewer - For all your cross-continental travel needs.
Pip-boy Weapon Mod Vendor - Purchase weapon mods directly through the Pip-boy interface. Optionally have them shipped to any unlocked dropbox.
Purchase Items on Display - Let's you purchase items that're on display at vendors
Simple Explosive Entry - Allows the player to use explosives to bypass locks.
- Use with Simple Explosive Entry Tweaks, which provides tweaks to the mod to make it more seamless and engaging.
ANVIL - Ammo New Variants in Loot - Adds ammo variants to loot pools.
CaliberZL - A caliber expansion mod.
- Pairs nicely alongside Conzo's Ammo Press Overhaul CaliberZL Version.
- Compatible with Supplemental Ammo Crafting through use of Audixas' Supplemental Ammo Crafting Patch.
- Compatible with various other mod added weapons through the CaliberZL Patch Compendium and CaliberZL More Mod Stuff
Faster Melee Recoil Animations - Speeds up the melee recoil/stagger animations from 1.1 seconds to 0.3 seconds, greatly improving the flow of melee combat.
- Use any pertinent patches provided on the main mod page.
Misc. Gamesetting Tweaks - A collection of INI mods to configure Game Settings to your liking.
SIDE - Simple Items Distributed Everywhere - Distributes various items that are otherwise not readily available across the wastelands.
Simple Headshots - After crippling an enemy's head, the next shot will be fatal. Can be configured per enemy type.
Major World & Game Changes
Claim the Mojave (and the Capital) - An expansive end-game mod that allows the player to build outposts at locations across the two wastelands.
- This mod will require a significant number of patches to maintain compatibility.
True Open World DC - Disables the FO3 main quest, and allows you to visit all main quest locked locations such as Raven Rock and Vault 101 through alternate means, providing a true open world experience in the Capital Wasteland.
- Incompatible with TTW Quick Start as both mods alter the game's start.
- Incompatible with Rebuild the Capital.
Player Homes
Afterschool Special - A quest mod focused on the refurbishment of the Goodsprings School, ultimately yielding a new player home, including a repair shop, healing station, crafting station, and workbenches.
- Compatible with TTW and FPGE - Functional Post Game Ending via A Very Uncreative Collection of Mod Patches.
Capital Wasteland Hideouts - a collection of 10 small way station player homes that offer places to safely store your stuff until you can get to your main base (or until you can acquire one).
Mobile Truck Base TTW Community Preview Edition - Adds a mobile truck base player home.
- Pairs nicely with Mobile Truck Base SFX Enhancer.
- Use alongside Benny Steals Your Truck if using (Benny Humbles You) and Steals Your Stuff.
TTW - Springvale Garage - A lore-friendly and balanced player home/quest mod for TTW that sees you renovate the ruin of the garage at Springvale Red Rocket into a fully functional and capable home for yourself. Clean up, restore power and water, salvage furniture, and purchase or scavenge powerful upgrades for your home.
Vertibird Player Home - Adds a small quest that lets the player acquire a summonable and pilotable Vertibird home after helping an old NCR pilot.
Location Additions & Overhauls
All of the mods in this section require LOD generation. Instructions are provided in the Viva New Vegas - LOD Guide.
The Strip - 2023 Lite - Best overhaul for the Strip when it comes to pure compatibility, and performance.
- If you can afford the perfomance hit, pairs amazing with Strip Cinematic Lighting Overhaul.
Lived-In All-In-One - Lightweight overhauls of multiple settlements/smaller locations with NPCs. Has patches for other mods in optional files.
Another Interior Mod - Adds additional interiors in the DC Wasteland.
Better Strip View - Adds strip signs and adjusts building position to remain consistent when viewing from anywhere.
Big Town Extended - Overhauls Big Town.
Believable Grub n’ Gulp - Overhauls Grub n’ Gulp.
Canterbury Commons Redesigned - Overhauls Canterbury Commons.
Cottonwood Cove Slave Market - Adds a slave market at Cottonwood Cove to support in-game lore.
Detailed New Vegas Suburban Overhaul - Westside - Merges two mods (Detailed New Vegas - Westside and New Vegas Suburban Overhaul) to overhaul Westside.
Freeside Facelift Lite - Overhauls Freeside.
Gun Runners Actually Run Guns - Expands the Gun Runners to a more lore appropriate role and adds a Gun Runner caravan that travels the Mojave Wasteland.
- Would recommend use alongside Sweet's GRARG Patch for generalized balancing.
Hidden Valley: Overhauled - Overhauls the Brotherhood of Steel’s Hidden Valley.
Hoover Dam Bridge Overhaul - Overhauls the Hoover Dam Bridge.
Irradiated Lonesome Road - Irradiates the entirety of Lonesome Road to increase difficulty and highlight the desolation of the divide.
Lucky 38 Lights Redone - Overhauls the Lucky 38's lights.
- Combines nicely with Animated Spotlights for Lucky 38 Lights Redone.
Meresti Metro Redesign TTW - Overhauls the Meresti Metro.
Shanty Arefu - Overhauls Arefu.
Vault 22 Flora Overhauled Remastered - Overhauls Vault 22.
Vikki and Vance Improvements - Overhauls The Vikki & Vance casino.
NPC, Faction, & Dialogue Overhauls
Brave New World - A massive re-voicing project using professional voice actors. Revoices ~7,000 lines across 145 NPCs.
- Two versions are available, a voices only version (which is preferred alongside mods that overhaul TTW NPCs, such as TTW NPC Overhaul) and a full version that overhauls NPC appearances within the Mojave.
- A TTW Patch is available for the full version, courtesy of Sweet. This patch is incompatible with the voices only version.
Companion Characteristics - Provides unique perks to NPCs to provide more gameplay quirks and personality to companions. These often take the form of debuffs.
D.C. NPCs - Adds reactivity, clutter, and minor NPCs to the DC wasteland.
Friendly Strip Factions - Makes the various Strip factions friendly after completing their respective quests.
NCR Dialogue Expanded - 238 new lines of dialogue for generic NCR troopers, rangers, and MPs.
Raiders of the Capital Wasteland - Expands the Raiders into a joinable faction with new settlements, interactions, and quests.
- Patches for D.C. NPCs and Titans of the New West (TOTNW) are provided on the main mod page.
- Incompatible with Rebuild the Capital.
Creature, Enemy, Weapon, & Armor Overhauls
Classic Sentry Bot Overhaul - A mod recreating the sentry bots from Fallout 2, new assets and animations, nice bit of variety when using the standalone version.
Classic Fallout 2 Combat Armor - Amazing replacers for the combat armor, based on the originals.
- Classic Fallout 2 Combat Armor MK2
- Classic Brotherhood Combat Armor
- Classic Replacers for TTW - Use only the "Classic Combat Armor Replacer Redux TTW" file.
- Tweaks for TTW - Combat Armors Replacer - Replaces the Brotherhood/Enclave Combat Armor added by TTW Tweaks with new high quality assets from the Classic Brotherhood Combat Armor Mod.
Classic Fallout Metal Armor - Same as above, except for the metal armors.
Better Ghouls - No Roar Animation - Removes ghouls "roar" animation that plays before they attack, meaning they now charge the player instantly - making them much deadlier.
Race To The Bottom - One of the most high quality quest mods for New Vegas, a fully voiced, self-contained quest, that slots almost completely seamlessly into the vanilla game. Multiple endings, good amount of choices, great focus on roleplaying.
Autumn Leaves - A DLC-sized Quest Mod with more than 2000 pro-voiced lines. Delve into a centuries-old library inhabited by sentient machines and solve Hypatia's mysteries. Five different endings and a unique original soundtrack.
- Use with Autumn Leaves - Uncreative Edition which updates the mod, fixes issues, and provides a TTW patch in the optional files.
Havasu Blues - Embark on an adventure south to the town of Lake Havasu City and its surroundings! With over 60 voiced characters, dozens of new locations to explore and a bunch of quests to solve.
- Use alongside Havasu Blues Bugfixes - Fixes navmesh errors, script errors, incorrect dialogue conditions and oversights in Havasu Blues.
The Someguy Series - The master file required for all of Someguy2000's quest mods.
- New Vegas Bounties I LE - Pursue high-risk/high-reward bounties in the first installment of the The Someguy Series.
- Sweet Style Bounties - A balance and encounter overhaul for New Vegas Bounties 1 LE.
- New Vegas Bounties I LE - kNVSE Sets - Adds kNVSE animations to the other guns in NVBILE.
- New Vegas Killer LE - Work for Bobby Bass as a contract killer in this fully-voiced quest mod! Tiddies and biscuits.
Visuals & Audio
Visual Improvements
Armed To The Teeth - Redux - Allows you to holster up to 4 weapons on your body at once.
Dual Wasteland Street Lights - Adds functioning street lights across the DC and Mojave wastelands.
- Contrary to the description on the mod page, the less street lights version does not appear to appreciably impact performance.
- Texture replacers for the underground metro maps, making them more useful for navigation.
TTW - Megaton Lighting Overhaul - Overhauls the lighting for Megaton.
Titans of the New West (TOTNW) - A complete overhaul and restyle of power armor to provide a more classic, heavy, and imposing experience.
- See Webb’s Patch Emporium for the most readily available TOTNW patches.
TTW - Robco Lights - Adds lights to areas on robots you'd expect would actually emit light.
Window Ambient Light at Night - Windows that light up at night now emit a light and light up their surroundings.
Landscape Overhauls
All of the mods in this section require LOD generation. Instructions are provided in the Viva New Vegas - LOD Guide.
Mojave Scenery Overhaul - Adds new life the the Mojave Wasteland by making bland locations more detailed. Great successor to NVLORR
Desert Landscapes - A comprehensive landscape overhaul for the Mojave Wasteland.
- Incompatible with above, pick one or the other.
- Higher level of general incompatibility.
- Created specifically for compatibility with New Vegas Landscape Overhaul Re-Remastered and Enhanced Landscapes in mind.
- Two versions are provided on the main mod page, one of which requires Bale's Micro Clutter.
The following are designed to be placed in the following load order if using the entire suite.
T4 - A female body replacer.
- Also requires T4 Modest to prevent incompatibility and clipping with mods that edit armors.
Improved Vanilla Male Body (IVMB) - A male body replacer.
CKR - Character Kit Remake - Replaces all humanoid character assets.
- This mod becomes substantially more performance demanding if used alongside many mods that add additional NPCs.
- Incompatible with HD Head and Face Textures.
- Use the optional CKR - IVMB - T4 patch provided on the main mod page.
- Avoid the uncompressed face patch, as it will have a substantial performance impact.
- The hair module is extremely performance intensive, avoid for best experience.
- CKR - Teeth
- CKR - Hands
- Also get the optional IVMB - T4 patch provided on the main mod page.
- Facegen Patches - Lack of appropriate patching will result in SIGNIFICANT visual oddities. Alternatively, the bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles setting in the falloutcustom.ini can be enabled in lieu of using facegen patches. Enabling this setting WILL have a large performance impact.
- TTW Facegen Patch
- Facegen Patches for Various Mods
HD Head and Face Textures - New high-quality face and head appearances for various types of characters.
- A less memory intensive alternative to CKR.
Modern Stagger Animations - Replacers for stagger and crippled animations.
Ragdolls & Death Throes - Improves the animations associated with all ragdoll physics.
- The following are designed to be placed in the following load order.
- NV Compatibility Skeleton
- Ragdolls
- Death Throes
- Modified Ragdolls
- This plugin overwrites the original Ragdolls plugin.
- Reactive Ragdolls
- This is the death throes main file and should follow the modified Ragdolls plugin.
- Constraints
- This is an optional file that changes the physical properties of many armor types to allow for more convincing ragdoll animations.
- Projectile Forces
- This is an optional file that provides custom re-assignment of projectile forces, as vanilla values are inconsistent with their real-life caliber counterparts.
- Modified Ragdolls
The Golden Archive - Greatly extends Radio New Vegas with 200+ lore friendly tracks.
- If using alongside A Music Addition - Revised, use the TTW - No Radio New Vegas version of Music Addition available in the FOMOD.
1.8 - 2/8/2025
- This whole section is a mess. Clean up.
1.7 - 10/6/2024
- New management. Updates, general clean up, I can't be bothered listing it all just trust me.
1.6 - 5/19/2024
- Added Menu Search, True Condition, Clean AP and Health bars, CCCP Cool Clean Cursor Pack, 3D Grenade Indicator and Directional Sneak Indicator, Item Cards, Radiation & Drowning visuals, TTW - More Map Markers, Forced Entry, Immersive Minigames, Purchase Items on Display, Sweets Simple Settings, Vegas Elysium Perk Pack, Sweet's Custom INI for Weapon Requirements System, Real Weapon Mods 2, Sweet's Weapon Jamming Tweaks, Sweet's EDGE TTW, Sweet's Dynamic Detection System, BURN
1.5 - 5/13/2024
- Transferred ATMOS Ambience Overhaul, Melee Hitstop Effects, EDGE, TTW NPC Overhaul, Accurate NASA Stars, 3DNPCs DC, 3DNPCs NV, Mojave Wildlife, STARS, Mojave Raiders, Faction Wasteland Presence, Immersive Recoil NPC, Simple Night Vision, Bottle the Water, Forced Entry, SMAC - Simple Melee Attack Canceling, Purchase Items on Display (xNVSE), Female Pipboy Aligned, NPCa - NPC Prevention of Chem addiction - ESPless, Tranquility Lane Pipboy Glove and Custom Race Fix, B42 Optics, Cookable Grenades, and Faster Sleep-Wait to the main WSG guide.
1.4 - 5/5/2024
- Transferred several mods from Additions to the main portion of the guide, including ySI Misc Quest Items Patch, ySI Expanded, Mostly Fixed FaceGen Tints(NV or TTW), Imposters and LOD Flicker Fix, Pip-Boy Light Flicker Fix - NVSE, Smooth True Iron Sights Camera, Swimming Creatures Fix - ESPless, Vent Lighting Fix, Weapon Mod Description Fix (TTW), zlib Updated - NVSE, Show Water Source H2O - ESPless, Sleep, Wait, Hardcore Needs, 3D Grenade Indicator, Drowning Visuals - ESPless, Radiation Visuals - ESPless, Equip and Movement Speed Fix - ESPless, Iron Sights Aligned, Immersive Minigames, Crippled Limb Reaction Enforcer, Real Weapon Mods 2, Weapon Jamming Tweaks, Sweet Dynamic Detection System, SSS - Sweet Simple Settings, More or Less Rads, Reload Reloaded, TTW Quick Train to NV Prompt, PerkPackPlus, Vegas Elysium Perk Pack, Levelup Traits, and B42 True Leaning.
- Removed Inaccurate NPCs due to redundancy with Combat Enhancer Updated from the main portion of the guide.
- Added Metro Map Replacer.
1.3 - 4/30/2024
- Transferred several mods from Additions to the main portion of the guide, including TTW Ultimate Invisible Wall Remover, Collision Meshes - DC, Collision Meshes - NV, Improved AI (Navmesh Overhaul Mod), ExRB - Extended Roombounds, Fallout 3 TTW Interior Optimization Project, Mainframes Litter Flickering Fix, Alternate Holographic Panel, Stash Organizer, Transporters, Harder Barter Faster Stronger, RAD - Radiation (Is) Actually Dangerous, Sweet Healing System, Natural Interiors, General Lighting Overhaul, Quick Select - A Zelda BOTW Style Quick Menu, Enhanced Movement, Item Cards, and Unfound Loot.
1.2 - 4/30/2024
- Removed Consistent Spread - Firearms Accuracy and Wobble Fix due to redundancy with the main guide.
- Clarified Mostly Fixed FaceGen Tints (NV or TTW) description being crossed out in the plugin list.
- Clarified Improved AI (Navmesh Overhaul Mod) to remove the requirement to generate a compatibility patch.
- Clarified incompatibility between Immersive Fast Travel Encounters and Transporters.
- Clarified Vanilla SWEEP incompatibilities.
- Clarified Realistic Weapon Name Replacer - RWNR compatibilities.
- Fixed spacing of Collision Mesh mods.
- Removed Skinned Mesh Improvement Mod at Sal's demand.
- Added TTW Collectibles - Merged.
- Added Th3Overseer's Mods - kNVSE Patch.
- Added Realistic Ammo Name Replacer - RANR.
- Added Hit - Drugs.
- Added Faster Melee Recoil Animations.
- Added 3D Grenade Indicator.
- Added a Player Homes sub-section under the Content section.
- Moved Capital Wasteland Hideouts to the Player Homes sub-section.
- Added Afterschool Special.
- Added TTW - Springvale Garage.
- Added Explosions Ignore Line of Sight - ESPless.
- Added Real Time Reflections - Performance Tweaked for PL for Point Lookout Reborn users.
- Added No More Explosions Blindness.
- Added The Strip - 2023 Lite.
- Added Vertibird Player Home.
- Added Mobile Truck Base TTW Community Preview Edition.
1.1 - 4/20/2024
- Added a caveat that Enhanced Movement and 1st Person Sliding Fix are redundant when used together.
- Added Mainframes Litter Flickering Fix.
- Added Laser Pistol 3rd Person Latch Animation Fix.
- Added TTW Combat Shotgun HQ Reload Sounds.
- Added Consistent Spread - Firearms Accuracy and Wobble Fix.
- Added Equip and Movement Speed Fix - ESPless.
- Added Mostly Fixed FaceGen Tints (NV or TTW).
- Added Freeside Neon Sign Fix.
- Added Gauss Impact Fix - ESPless.
- Added Gun Runners Kiosk Glass Fix.
- Added Impostors and LOD Flicker Fix.
- Added Melee VATS Animation Restoration.
- Added Money Fixer - ESPless.
- Added MZ Holding Cells Fog Clip Distance Fix.
- Added NPCa - NPC Prevention of Chem addiction - ESPless.
- Added Pip-Boy Light Flicker Fix - NVSE.
- Added Ranger Combat Helmets Clipping Fix.
- Added Smooth True Iron Sights Camera.
- Added Swimming Creatures Fix - ESPless.
- Added Tranquility Lane Pipboy Glove and Custom Race Fix.
- Added Vanilla Animations Weapon Scale Fix.
- Added Weapon Mod Description Fix (TTW).
- Added ExRB - Extended Roombounds.
- Added Fallout 3 TTW Interior Optimization Project.
- Added a Meshes sub-section under the Visuals section.
- Moved Collision Meshes to the Meshes sub-section.
- Added Skinned Mesh Improvement Mod.
- Added Vent Lighting Fix.
- Added Improved AI (Navmesh Overhaul Mod).
- Added Item Cards.
- Added SSS - Sweets Simple Settings.
- Added TTW Ultimate Invisible Wall Remover.
- Added The Someguy Series, including New Vegas Bounties I LE, Sweet Style Bounties, New Vegas Bounties I LE - kNVSE Sets, and New Vegas Killer LE.
- Added TTW - Megaton Lighting Overhaul.
- Added Havasu Blues Bugfixes.
- Added Female Pipboy Aligned.
- Added Crippled Limb Reaction Enforcer.
- Added Purchase Items on Display (xNVSE).
- Added Capital Wasteland Hideouts.
- Added HD Head and Face Textures.
- Adjusted the layout of CKR and associated mods.
- Added Realistic Weapon Name Replacer - RWNR.
- Added Misc. Gamesettings Tweaks.
1.04 - 4/9/2024
- Fixed a mislabeled CKR mod.
1.03 - 4/8/2024
- Added facegen patches for Th3Overseer's Mod Collection.
- Re-labeled the other facegen patch link names.
- Added Mainframes Litter Flickering Fix.
- Added both DC and Mojave Collision Meshes.
- Added Point Lookout Doctors TTW.
- Added an audio sub-section under the Visuals Section, which is now renamed to Visuals & Audio.
- Added The Golden Archive.
- Added Immersive Fast Travel Encounters TTW Edition.
- Added Immersive Sleeping Encounters.
- Added CaliberZL More Mod Stuff.
- Added Simple Diseases.
- Added Simple Explosive Entry and Simple Explosive Entry Tweaks.
1.02 - 4/4/2024
- Added Benny Fighting Chance.
- Added Friends With Benefits.
- Added Companion Characteristics.
- Added CaliberZL Patch Compendium.
- Added Taller DC TTW 3.3 Conversion.
- Removed erraneous vanilla facegen patch link.
1.01 - 4/2/2024
- Removed Lossless Scaling to avoid promoting paid material.
- Fixed several link related errors.
- Added notation that certain mods require LOD generation where appropriate.
1.00 - 3/30/2024
- Original release.