- CONTENT: Added SD Transporters - AWOP FO3 Patch.
- CONTENT: Added AWOP FO3 - TTW Patch.
- CONTENT: Added Casino Crowds - TTW Patch.
- OVERHAULS: Added Benny Humbles You and Steals Your Stuff - TTW Patch.
- GENERAL: Moved some patches from the now defunct "Many Patches" Nexus page into direct downloads from the guide.
- UI/HUD: Re-added Vault Boy Paper Doll. Split guide section into two subsections, Core & Optional.
- CONTENT: Simple Open Freeside/Strip added, make sure to give the guide a read again as some new patches exist.
- CONTENT: Removed Big Town Extensions, just difficult to fit in with some other mods in the guide, still a good one.
- VISUALS: Re-added PAVE! Added SMIM & Moonlight NVSE. Fixed description for SIGMA melee and added SIGMA baseball bat/golf club.
- VISUALS: Removed TTW Street Lights (Conflicts with several other mods in the guide; performance concerns).
- VISUALS: Added sawyerbattyPAVE.
- FINAL STEPS: Updated loadorder.txt. Removed the "Return to Introduction" link as it makes no sense when thought about critically.
- Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience.
- The NEW new guide URL is https://wastelandsurvivalguide.com - update any bookmarks etc.
- CONTENT: Split Player Homes off into their own new page.
- Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience.
- VISUALS: Added Hit's Anim Fixes.
- OVERHAULS: Moved BURN here (from Gameplay) and added another patch for it & BLEED.
- Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience.
- UTILITIES: JIP LN 56.55 is here, update now! Especially if you were crashing on version 54.
- VISUALS: removed ISControl Enabler alternative suggestion - just use iscontroller.
- Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience.
- Added Baka Skill Book Scanner.
- Added TTW + Ragdolls Patch, shoutouts to Sweet6Shooter for making it.
- Added warning about Cyberware's xNVSE situation.
- Updated version numbers.
- Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience.